A Chinese iPhone community has recently leaked screenshots and specs of the next generation iPhone. It is believed to have improved CPU speed, more RAM, Digital Compass, FM, 3.2 megapixel camera with auto focus and 32GB size. With all of these new features, it is said that there will be no major changes in battery, screen and external casing. Do you believe that?
Here are the exact changes:
- 600MHz CPU Speed (current 400MHz)
- 256MB RAM (current 128MB)
- Digital Compass and FM
- 3.2 megapixel camera with auto focus
- 32GB size
- No major changes in battery, screen and external casing.
Screenshots of the Best Buy inventory shows that a mysterious new product under the code name "Project Charlie" could be in stores soon. Some people have been suspecting that this could be the next generation iPhone.
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